Short Story Edit

StatenIsland_Catalogue_Active.indd“What I love most about working with Marcela is her incredible honesty and generosity. She is your advocate. She wants you to be the best writer you can be and will share everything she knows to help you on your journey. Marcela is the real deal and I can’t wait to work with her again!”—Linda Nieves-Powell, author of the short story “The Fly Ass Puerto Rican Girl from the Stapleton Projects” published in the anthology Staten Island Noir

A short story edit provides:

1) a line-edited story;
2) an editorial letter which details how to hone your craft and manage your career; plus
3) verbal feedback via phone for up to a half hour.

Short story edits are completed in approximately two weeks. To reserve a spot on my calendar, I require payment and a signed agreement. Payment can be made via Venmo, check, or money order.

Short Story Edit Fee: $299 per story

To schedule a short story edit, please do the following:

1) Go to the Categories page to determine if I work with your kind of writing.
2) Visit the FAQ page, as the answers to some of your questions may already be there.
3) E-mail the information requested below to, and put “Short Story Edit Request” in the subject line.
4) Attach the double-spaced story manuscript to the e-mail. Many thanks in advance.

Home mailing address:
Telephone number:
What is the title of your story?:
What kind of story is it (fantasy, science fiction, literary, etc.)?:
Is it for adults, young adults, or children?:
What is the word count of the story?:
How many drafts have you written?:
Is it written in English or Spanish?:
Have you worked with an editor on this story before? If yes, how many editors have you worked with and who were they?:
What is your writing background (journalism, MFA, college creative writing courses, etc.)?:
Who recommended me to you? If you weren’t referred to me, how did you find out about my services?: