Phone Consultation

hellorhighwatercover“In one hour on the phone with Marcela, I learned practical strategies about promotion, publicity, and the business side of the publishing industry that a doctorate in literature and several writing workshops never covered. Marcela is friendly, frank, and fun. She pulls no punches, and she followed up after our conversation with resources tailored to my particular project. Especially as a writer working far from New York, I was so helped by her knowledge and experience.”—Joy Castro, author of Hell or High Water

We schedule a date, I call you at the appointed time, and we discuss all your questions in 60 minutes. If we finish in less than an hour, we bank the remaining time for another day. We’ll schedule the phone call within 30 days of my receipt of the fee and signed agreement. Payment can be made via Venmo, check, or money order. Note: I do not review written material for phone consultations. If you desire feedback on your work, I recommend you opt for a manuscript edit, manuscript critique, or manuscript read.

Phone Consultation Fee: $99

To schedule a phone consultation, please do the following:

1) Go to the Categories page to determine if I work with your kind of writing.
2) Visit the FAQ page, as the answers to some of your questions may already be there.
3) E-mail the information requested below to, and put “Phone Consultation Request” in the subject line.

Home mailing address:
Telephone number:
Could you provide a short description of your book idea?:
If your work is fiction, what kind is it (fantasy, science fiction, literary, etc.)?:
Is it for adults, young adults, or children?:
Is it written in English or Spanish?:
What is your writing background (journalism, MFA, college creative writing courses, etc.)?:
How familiar are you with the publishing industry (newbie, a bit informed, have conducted extensive research)?:
What are your specific questions or concerns? Please provide a detailed list:
Who recommended me to you? If you weren’t referred to me, how did you find out about my services?: