Query Letter Critique

grace“Marcela’s straight to the point, honest yet humorous analysis and recommendations for my piece were exactly what I needed. She made constructive criticisms that were right on and offered examples and a strategy for doing things right or getting back on the right track. She was encouraging, too, and showed me was I was doing successfully. As a writer who wants her baby, her novel, to be among the best-selling, I trust her judgement, experience, and encouragement.”—Natashia Deon, author of Grace

You e-mail me your query letter, I read it, and we spend up to 30 minutes on the phone discussing how to improve it. If we finish in less than 30 minutes, we bank the remaining time for another day. We’ll schedule the phone call within 30 days of my receipt of the fee and signed agreement. Payment can be made via Venmo, check, or money order.

Query Letter Critique Fee: $79

To schedule a query letter critique, please do the following:

1) Go to the Categories page to determine if I work with your kind of writing.
2) Visit the FAQ page, as the answers to some of your questions may already be there.
3) E-mail the information requested below to marcelalandres@yahoo.com, and put “Query Letter Critique Request” in the subject line.
4) Attach the query letter to the e-mail. Many thanks in advance.

Home mailing address:
Telephone number:
What is the title of your work?:
What is the nature of your work (novel, short story collection, memoir, etc.)?:
If your work is fiction, what kind is it (fantasy, science fiction, literary, etc.)?:
Is it for adults, young adults, or children?:
Is it written in English or Spanish?:
Have you worked with an editor on this query letter before? If yes, how many editors have you worked with and who were they?:
What is your writing background (journalism, MFA, college creative writing courses, etc.)?:
How familiar are you with the publishing industry (newbie, a bit informed, have conducted extensive research)?:
Who recommended me to you? If you weren’t referred to me, how did you find out about my services?: